Salam, just share gambar2 berkaraoke with Mr. F di Green Box, Bukit Tinggi sempena his bday actually.. advnce.. xsangka suara die boleh tahan la.. but lagu2 lama... yang selalu dimainkan di Radio Sinar.. we luv radio sinar now... ( hehe.. tlg promote). Actually time nie plan nak watch muvie je... but my little 2 brothers ask for karaoke then we decided to karaoke smpai serakk suara..
Cume... berebut lagu dengan budak2nya.. we all terpaksa mengalah la.. hahaha.. see yaaa... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BELOVED FIANCE, AHMAD FAISYAL on 7 August... also to my luvly sista Nurul Akmar which bday in d' same date wit my fiance... but dat time she's going to Bandung.. hehe...