
" Walk to remember" ~~ by AFNF

Saturday, December 18, 2010

d' progress~~

The Progress…….

Bila nak dekat ni, macam2 benda nak settlekan.. macam2 nak kene ingat.. kadang2 tengah tdo tetiba teringat ade yg xbuat lg.. tp bile time tdo baru ingat, makanya..esokjela buat… hahaha.. uwaaaa… STRESSED wooo!!! Now I know, but it still enjoy every moment of it… once in a lifetime… i/allah….

Actually jam menunjukkan pukul 00:42 pagi.. hari Sabtu 18 Disember…tibe2 teringat untuk post what have been done and what have NOT been done… only have not less than 74 days more to goo… arghhhh…

Daftar Kahwin : both of us already go to Pejabat Agama and get d’ surat kebenaran utk bernikah… but.. belum isi that form lagi sebab baru je ambil petang 17 Disember 2010…
Cume just make an appointment dengan Qadhi booking date and time. ( Jumpe Qadhi No 1 tu.. or pendek kata Pegawai No 1 Pejabat Agama Islam Daerah… i/allah he will handle d’ majlis akad nikah tu… tq Ustaz cz save my date in ur handset terus!!

Khemah : ermmm just ask Mr AF settle kan with his fren… cume belum datang and ukur kawasan rumah lagi… but already booked! Bpe khemah not sure la… space rumah pun xla besar mne dah skarang…

Wedding dress for nikah : weeding dress for nikah now ada pada Kak Pijan aka d’ person who volunteer make my dress blink2…actually she is d’ one who ambil upah jahit manik baju datin2 wannabe.. Tq kakak… im appreciate it… walaupun bpe kali dtg umah xde org.. hahaha… kelakar kan… ayat akk nie.. “Nurul, akk nak kasi blink2 baju engkau tau….” Hehe…

Weeding dress for reception : already buy and take a look~~ mak andam will handle it…
(Lain2 like pelamin…baju berinai… baju persalinan pun dh conform… arghhh semua ni dalam pakej actually) everything just fine…

Photographer : still searching…. Coz price nye pelik2…. But now prefer to take d’ mak andam photographer coz kalau ade rezeki dengan one of d’ famous photographer kutt… hehe… ( Nie my brother kononnye nak sponsor... adekah betul wahai adikku....)

Barang hantaran : still incomplete… need to buy another 2, 3 item…

Guest List : in progress…. My part DONE! Mr AF also DONE! Cume list family my mum n dad will settle…

Catering : My dad took care of it….. tq abah!!

Bunga Telur : ermmmm my mum still buat lg… and will pass to my auntie Aida… i/allah// for final touch up~~ hehe… boleh kan acikk…

Dress for saudara mara : already give to them.. a year ago…haha… ade yg dah pakai sebab xsabar… nasibla…

Theme Color : Purple Orang Kaya… hehe… sehingga hari ini purle lorr…. i/allah..
Invitation cards : already double confirm to d’ printing company… need to discuss with them next week…. Hope Mr AF will go together ekkk…

Weeding cake : NOT yetttt order… lama lagi kutt..
Henna : of coz my sista NURUL AKMAR KHAIRI

Lain2.... akan updated later... daa... - Miss NF